The widespread stranding of whales on beaches continues to be a baffling phenomenon

TPO – Whales are in the top 10 most intelligent animals. It can mimic some human behavior. The question is, why should whales “commit suicide” collectively?

A Dutch scholar has found that whales in distress mostly occur on low-lying shores, shallow sands, beaches, stony or stagnant mud, and far upturned corners of the sea. sea center. The cause of death on land may be disorientation.

Whales have very poor eyesight, essentially using sound to “see” objects underwater. They must be directed to the target of the probe to emit ultrasonic waves with a very wide amplitude, then based on the reflected signal, judge the target direction to decide how to act, this is called positioning. regurgitation.

But in adverse terrains such as slopes, beaches, often make their echolocation noisy. Therefore, their actions are disordered, bumpy, and sometimes fall into the “trap” of death on land.

According to another explanation, scientists believe that the change brings nutrient-rich water currents to shore with abundant food sources, attracting whales to come closer.

Scientists also do not rule out the possibility that sea storms are caused by wind changes that disorient whales and wash up on shore. When trapped, they quickly lose strength and die if not rescued in time.

In addition, human activities at sea are also considered as one of the factors that can cause whale stranding. An underwater navigation system is believed to be the cause of 100 whales stranded and died in the shallows of Madagascar in 2008. The sonar waves create a wall of sound that disrupts behavior and makes whales want to run away. .

Toxic algae is also one of the causes of mass deaths of elephants. Specifically, toxic algae caused 14 humpback whales to run aground and die at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA, in 1987.

Why is whale said to be an animal of the mammal class?

The blue whale is the largest whale in the ocean, with a length of 30 meters and a weight of about 150 tons. Relatives of blue whales are gray whales, white whales, humpback whales… or sperm whales, dolphins…

So why is an aquatic animal like a blue whale a mammal? Because they have all the characteristics of a terrestrial animal such as breathing by lungs, giving birth and nursing babies.

Scientists think that the life span of whales in the wild is about 50 years or more. Whales have the ability to emit low-pitched sounds that are often said whales are singing.

These sounds are very important in the life of whales. Calls help them find friends, help them find their way or notify others of danger when needed. Whales are intelligent fish. It can mimic some human behavior.

Interesting facts about whales

Whales are the largest aquatic mammals, the common name for many aquatic animals in the order Whales (whales, dolphins, sperm whales). However, Whales are descended from the Artiodactyl dinosaur, which is a terrestrial species.

The blue whale doesn’t care what kind of water it swims in. We’ve found them in every ocean on the planet, including warm or cold waters.

Killer whales are extremely dangerous hunters, they know the fish are white and need to swim to the surface to breathe, so they will keep these fish.

The largest whale in the world is a blue whale, 30 meters tall and weighing more than 180 tons, while the smallest one is a sperm whale at a height of 3.5 meters.

The arteries in a blue whale’s heart are large enough for the average person to swim through.
Whales have been hunted for their meat, bones and for medicinal purposes. Hunting for many species is serious, so now most of the fish are threatened to attack critical species.

Whales are warming creatures. Most female fish spawn only one fish with a single offspring. Baby whales can be independent after 7-10 years. Beluga whales, dolphins and killer whales sleep only half-asleep so they can breathe while resting.

Cuvier beaked whales are known as the deepest diving fish in the family of whales with almost 2 instantaneously, which is equivalent to more than 8 Empire State buildings stacked on top of each other.

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The brain of an adult whale weighs about 9 kg and is the largest brain on earth. While the human brain weighs only about 1.3 to 1.5 kg.

Whales don’t use their eyes much when diving, and their vision is also inverse to depth. However, whales do not close their eyes, but open them continuously no matter how much water pressure is present. Scientists say whale eyes can withstand the pressure of a truck.

Depending on the way the sound is broadcast, whales can know the location and size of their prey, shorelines, obstacles… Whale’s coal beach, also known as Long Dien Huong, is worth thousands of dollars and is used in the perfumery industry.

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