Epic Buzzard Showdown: Fierce Battle Over Fresh Meat

These buzzards waged a war on the ground as they locked in a vicious grapple over dinner.

The action-packed shots show the birds standing face-to-face as they swooped to fight over a piece of fresh meat on the ground.

Professional photographer Svetoslav Tsvetanov Simeonov spotted the hungry birds circling the eastern Bulgarian city of Varna on their hunt for a tasty treat.

Tasty treat: The birds look over the fresh meat on the ground after circling the eastern city of Varna in Bulgaria
 Angry birds: Action-packed shots capture the moment the two buzzards go head-to-head after swooping in to feast on the long-awaited meal  
Fighting squawk: The hungry birds stand face-to-face with their wings spanned as they prepare to battle over the tasty treat  
Bird down: At one point it appeared one buzzard was getting the better of the other as it pinned it to the ground
Talon for fighting: One bird shows the other who is boss as it stands over the other with its wings spanned

The rare bird enthusiast, from Bulgaria, then caught them coming to blows as they battled for the food.

Mr Simeonov, 35, said: ‘I know the behaviour of buzzards, and I often photograph them in battle. I was happy I caught these two birds, because one was a long-legged buzzard which is typical in Bulgaria.

‘It was a very cold day, and there was a large concentration of birds in the city – I knew they were hungry. I’m so happy I was able to capture these photos, they show the characteristics of Bulgarian buzzards.

Food isn't for sharing: Professional photographer Svetoslav Tsvetanov Simeonov captured the birds as they came to blows in the battle for the food 
Pinned to the ground: Mr Simeonov, 35, said he was happy to capture the birds as they fought to decide who got the grub 
 The ravenous birds spread their wings as they continue their fight in winter for the meat on the snowy ground 
Mr  Simeonov, who captured the shots, said: 'The scene tells the story of the difficult lives of birds, and shows their beauty even when they are aggressive' 

‘The supremacy of the long-legged buzzard is seen in these photos – the scene tells the story of the difficult lives of birds, and shows their beauty even when they are aggressive.

‘I love birds and I love to study their behaviour and their habits.

‘Many birds starve in winter, so I always go out and feed them – but I don’t do it too regularly, because the birds could get too comfortable and forget how to hunt for their own food.’

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